This thematic area focuses on supplementation and fortification. Food fortification is one of the strategies being pursued by the I4DEV to reduce micronutrient deficiencies. Food fortification in Uganda is achieved in three main ways which include; Biofortification, Industrial Fortification and Home Fortification (Point of Use Fortification).

Biofortification – I4DEV in partnership with key stakeholders in promoting the production and consumption of bio-fortified foods like iron-rich beans, orange-fleshed sweet potatoes, and high protein maize.
Home fortification – this is where micronutrient powders (Vitamins and mineral powders) are added to complementary foods of children 6 – 23 months of age to increase their vitamin and mineral intake.
Supplementation; the main interventions are Vitamin A and Iron Folic Acid (IFA). Vitamin A is administered to children under 5 years of age every 6 months from 1 year as per the Integrated Child Health Days guidelines.