There is an increased burden of NCDs among young people in Uganda such as Type 1 diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular diseases and mental health. Premature deaths from NCDs are largely caused by modifiable risk factors including tobacco use, unhealthy diet, physical inactivity and harmful use of alcohol as well as environmental factors such as air pollution.

NCDs not only affect people’s health but they also negatively impact the socioeconomic development of countries by increasing the financial burden on the health system and through the loss of productivity of people who get ill or die too early. Sadly, 85% of premature deaths due to NCDs occur in low- and middle-income countries, where resources are already scarce.
In Uganda, 33% of total deaths are due to NCDs and for every Ugandan citizen, the probability of dying prematurely from one of the four main NCDs is 22%. The country’s population demographic is made up of more young people hence the need to focus more on the health challenges such as NCDs which are on the rise in order to avoid a future overwhelming burden on the health system.
To strengthen the healthcare system that delivers high-quality NCD –related services to young people
I4DEV is working with 7 primary health care centres in Kasangati municipality to build the capacity of selected providers to create youth-friendly and focused NCD care services and provide essential information and materials to enhance the quality of NCD care and prevention services.
To Increase demand for NCD services and reduce risky behaviours associated with NCD susceptibility among young people
I4DEV has also identified and trained youth volunteers which also include youth living with NCDs or who have lived experience of NCDS to act as Youth NCD ambassadors acting as a link between the community and the Health care system
Funding: AstraZeneca Young Health Programme