Innovations for Development believes that access and use of quality, equitable, rights-based family planning services is a must for all. Our goal is to address the unmet need for modern contraception by building the capacity of the healthcare system to deliver quality family planning services including Abortion as a choice for those that need it.
The Challenge

Uganda’s unmet need for modern contraception is currently at 34.6% with 21% in need of spacing and 14% in need of limiting pregnancy. The country’s modern contraceptive prevalence rate (mCPR) is 35%.
The poor access and availability to quality FP services which is characterized by very few skilled/competent FP providers especially in rural under-served & hard to reach areas, inadequate FP commodities security especially the LARCs to ensure required method mix and poor counseling and mismanagement of contraception side effects.
Unfavorable social & gender norms that cause low demand for FP services by those that need FP services most. This is characterized by; persistence of misconceptions or myths/misinformation, poor attitude by men & spouses toward FP, gender inequality (manifested by high GBV, high desire for children, early sex initiation among girls, high teenage marriages), cultural barriers and religious practices that promote resistance to contraception use.
Unfavorable policy environment which is characterized by; low implementation of agreed plans and policies at district and sub-district levels, poor funding, limited inter-sectoral coordination, integration and collaboration, inadequate committed leadership/stewardship and weak accountability mechanisms.
Our Approach

I4DEV’s work is geared at increasing access in under-served areas, sustainable use among the most vulnerable, improve security and strengthen the social, political environment to sustain achieve